During the first clip, Darcus says: "If there is one thing of which I'm certain - the old England, the England I came to 40 years ago, that's dead; they don't even want to be English anymore". Ask students to note down the visual images used to underline this statement (they include: Hunting/aeroplane flying across the screen/people drinking wine/cheerleaders/line dancing/an amusement arcade) before leading a discussion on why these scenes might have been used. Can students think of more examples of foreign influences in English or British society and culture?
Now ask students to brainstorm a set of moving images that could be used to reject the suggestion that the English don't want to be English anymore. What quintessentially 'English' pursuits can students think of (people having afternoon tea, crowds cheering the Queen, shot of the Houses of Parliament, down the pub etc.)?
These quick activities over, how far do students think, on a scale of one to 10, other cultures and countries influence England? Ask to think about where their clothes/games/electrical goods come from. What about the different foods they are used to eating? How do trends in clothing, games, ideas etc. spread from country to country?
It would be a good idea to introduce the term 'globalisation' at this point, maybe asking students for their own definitions of the term. During the course of this discussion, try to draw out that globalisation is not just about different countries trading with each other, it also describes the way that people, money and ideas move around the world quicker and cheaper than in the past.