These questions can be used to focus students' thinking while watching the film and/or to develop their understanding of film language.
- How is the story told in Ballad of the Battered Bicycle (there is a clue is in the title!)?
- Do we like Henry? Do we approve of his behaviour?
- Do we believe the story?
- Why does the story begin at the fairground?
- How many characters can you list from the film?
- What do we learn about Henry from the film?
- Is the 'battered bicycle' a character in this story?
- What are the differences between the adults and the children in this film?
- How important is the character of the narrator?
- Who do you think Ballad of the Battered Bicycle was aimed at? Are there any clues at the very start of the film?
- What is the purpose of the film? Is there a clear message?
- Do you think a film like this would work today?
- What is the sequence of shots at the beginning of the film? How do they help to set up the rest of the 'story'?
- Can you find examples of close-up, medium and long-shots? Why are they used at this point in the story?
- How is music used in the film?
- Listen carefully to the soundtrack when Henry first crashes his bicycle. How would you describe the music in the scene?
- In the courtroom scene, the 'ballad' is spoken by the lawyers, witnesses and Henry instead of the narrator. Does this change the tone of the film? How?
- What are the most important settings in the film?