Elements of Travel was created by a group of Year 10 students at the all-male Henry Compton Secondary School, a comprehensive in Fulham, West London. The title comes from the original rap created by one of the students (Ishaq Malik) for use in the film. In the first two weeks of the project the students watched several films for inspiration, looking at how transport was represented in the past and brainstorming some of their own stories. They then learned to use the equipment and tested their new knowledge on the site of the Kingwood CLC. At the end of the second week they voted on what mode of transport they wanted to concentrate on for their film and picked the bus due to the fact that it is the most used form of transport for them in getting to school and around their area. Over the course of the project the students developed their 'key words' that they associate with buses, this list included the words you see in the film: Routes, Appearance, Free Travel, Passengers, Daydream, Scenery and Unpredictable. They each wrote a voice-over to accompany their images and created shot sequences to illustrate the voice-overs. After an exciting and exhausting day of filming, the students returned for a final week to edit their films in iMovie. This film illustrates many of the objectives of the Journey Times project. The student filmmmakers used the medium of film to think deeply about their experiences of travel and many of them felt that in so doing they were able to reflect back on their daily journeys. One particularly interesting element of the project took place during the filming of the 'Free Travel' section when the friendly bus driver of the hired bus we used for the set gave the students some background into why bus drivers are strict about the Under-16 Oyster Cards. The driver explained that both the young people and the driver can be fined, and the students felt that it was one of the first times they'd really understood the drivers' perspective.