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Show and Tell: Cubs (2006)
Introduction Citizenship Citizenship English History  
image from Cubs (2006)

Cubs is likely to provoke strong reactions amongst younger audiences and, as a result, it’s a good film to use as the basis for oral activities to develop students’ ability to articulate their opinions and respond to others in discussion. Similarly, it’s a useful vehicle to explore the differences between media and the written word, perhaps through a simple ‘translation’ exercise – writing from Ben’s point of view or translating a scene into a third-person narrative.

However, given the controversial subject matter – hunting and youth violence – Cubs also offers an excellent opportunity to hone students’ skills in writing for different audiences and in different styles.

Ask them to imagine that they are watching the film from a range of different perspectives – for example; as a member of the Countryside Alliance, who passionately believes in the right to hunt or, conversely, an avid anti-hunt protester. Viewing the film through the prism of a teenage perspective might be equally valuable.

What different aspects of the film do students pick up on when they watch the film with these different perspectives in mind? This might require a couple of viewings as well as a checklist of different media elements to consider – script, sound, music, characterisation, visual style.

Once students have compiled their thoughts, ask them to write a review from the point of view of one of these audience members (it might be helpful to give them a publication as well – the Horse and Hound or Empire, for example). It’s a difficult exercise, but it should be one that helps students understand how diverse opinions are expressed as well as how our responses to contemporary media are informed by our individual beliefs and concerns.

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