Fighting the Bill marries a specific campaign to what was Cinema Action's
most theoretical production to date. A flyer that was produced for the film in
the 1980s explicitly identified the film's historical analysis as its most
valuable feature. It suggests that "by showing that the working class can and
must organise, and by reflecting this strength, the film provides a catalyst for
bridging the gap between the fighting spirit of the early 70s and the lack of
perspective today."
The immediate context of the film was the campaign against the Heath
government's Industrial Relations Bill, but it represents the summation of
Cinema Action's involvement with the trades unions and shop stewards' movement
because the Bill proposed what the unions considered to be massive restrictions
on their practices.
The film's makers were trade unionists and worked closely with officials to
generate ideas, devise scripts and formulate policy. Several trade unionists are
prominent in articulating Fighting the Bill's arguments. Mike Cooley has since
become well known for his work in promoting a socially useful and
'human-centred' approach to technological development.
The film's opening sequence is notable for the way it encompasses a great
number of themes and refers to nearly all of Cinema Action's productions to that
date. In particular, the music highlights concerns that the historical progress
of the union movement in enshrining certain rights needs protecting. This sort
of folk music is also prominently used in The Miners' Film (1974/75) and Arise
Ye Workers (1973).
Kieron Webb