Title: 'Mr De Valera Leaving the Mansion House after Denouncing the Treaty'. Mr De Valera, his Secretary, and Richard Mulcahy exit Mansion House and are taken away by horse-drawn cab.
Title: 'But Dublin's Attitude is Obvious. Mr Griffith and Mr Collins, who signed the Treaty, were both Wildly Welcomed Home'. Mr Griffith and Mr Collins arrive at Mansion House and are enthusiastically welcomed by crowds of civilians - only Griffith clearly seen.
Title: 'Mr Shakespeare, the Prime Minister's courier who dashed to Ulster by Destroyer'. MS Mr Shakespeare poses for camera. Title: 'Sir James Craig arriving at Ulster Parliament to attack the Treaty'. MS Craig exits automobile outside of building.
Title: 'Triumphant Procession of Released Internees'. MS coachload of prisoners on Dublin street pose playfully on top of coach; tricolour on show.
Title: 'And "Dear Dirty Dublin" is at Peace'. LS looking down busy, foggy, Sackville St (later O'Connell St) from south end.