This straightforward early GPO production builds on the long-established
pattern of industrial 'process' documentaries with characteristic documentary
movement touches. The emphasis of 6.30 Collection, set in a London sorting
office, may be on the logistics of organising the incoming mail for delivery
across the nation, but the implication is that these are social as well as
mechanical processes - that the anonymous human beings and equipment (behind the
scenes and rarely thought of) involved in the apparently mundane business of
getting letters moved around the country are central to modern society's smooth
functioning. The bulk of the film is utterly unpretentious but extremely clear
and surprisingly watchable. Its modest but atmospheric and rather moving coda
suggests the deeper social themes.
The film is co-credited to two important filmmakers, Harry Watt and Edgar
Anstey; it is Watt's first directorial credit, and the earliest surviving
Anstey-directed piece - his Empire Marketing Board film Uncharted Waters (1933) is 'missing believed lost'. Watt would later play a leading role in the
production of the more elaborate and famous Night Mail (1936), before
specialising in films using the techniques of drama to bring such 'processes'
more vividly to life. In some respects, Anstey would remain truer to the process
documentary approach, suggesting the mutual dependence of people, machines and
institutions in the society they are all part of. Many years later, he produced
the lavish and unfairly neglected Thirty Million Letters (d. James Ritchie,
1963), a unique collaboration between the GPO (which had long since shed the
film unit responsible for 6.30 Collection) and British Transport Films,
which under Anstey maintained and modernised the film tradition the GPO had done
so much to establish.
Patrick Russell *This film is included in the BFI DVD compilation 'Addressing The Nation: The GPO Film Unit Collection Volume 1'.