Described by cast member Ronnie Corbett as "one of the most bizarre films...
ever made," Fun at St. Fanny's was the brainchild of comedy performer Douglas
'Cardew' Robinson. Sporting stripy scarf and cap, he'd built a career around his
stage persona as Cardew, 'The Cad' of St. Fanny's: a gangly, gormless
ever-more-aged public schoolboy. Popular on the wireless, Robinson's alter-ego
also had a comic strip incarnation, whose hi-jinx appeared weekly for Radio
Fun's seven-million-strong international readership. Cardew changed his name to
celebrate his famous characterisation, and immortalised his wacky world of corny
'schoolboy howler' jokes in a feature film, produced by the tiny, family-run
Adelphi company in the wake of The Belles of St. Trinian's (d. Frank Launder,
Cardew's schoolboy fantasy harked back to a venerable tradition of scholastic
humour, largely established by Will Hay in seedy teacher mode, which saw
incompetent masters swapping aged puns with cheekily superior pupils as they
battled it out in the classroom. St. Fanny's revival was carried out in the
authentically old-school presence of Claude Hulbert (who had previously donned a
mortar board alongside Hay) and Fred Emney, with the innovative addition of some
of-the-moment casting: Gerald 'Billy Bunter' Campion (so-billed to capitalise on
the popular BBC series), boxer Freddie Mills, curvaceous Vera Day, and singer
Freddie Brandon, fleetingly celebrated as 'The King of Zing'. Among the
schoolboys were young Ronald Corbett, and unbilled Melvyn Hayes and Anthony
Relentlessly faithful to its comic strip roots, Anthony Verney's screenplay
drew upon raw material from industry veteran Denis Waldock and showbiz
journalist Peter Noble. The finished product combined Christmas Cracker-style
jokes, variety set-pieces, and odd musical interludes, but Noble's fellow
journalists were unimpressed. "Some of the rottenest chestnuts I have had thrown
at me in twenty years of film going," moaned the Evening Standard. "Farce of the
crudest order," griped The Times. Perhaps the critic at The Standard understood
the film's cheerfully unpretentious strangeness a little better, summing it up,
with the faintest glimmer of patriotic pride, as "the British school joke
stretched almost to infinity."
Released in January 1956, without a major circuit deal in place, Cardew's
classroom comedy ultimately failed its box office exam. Though publicity
proclaimed it the first in a series of St. Fanny's films, it was also destined
to be the last, and Robinson's tenure as a leading man was over as quickly as it
had begun.
Vic Pratt