US Army sergeant John Patterson arrives with his pal Sgt Greenbrugh at their
billet on the 2nd floor of 20 Grosvenor Square, the London residence of the Duke
of Exmoor. Exploring the house, Patterson finds housekeeper Mrs Wilson cool
towards the new guests. Patterson summons a taxi. British army Major David
Bruce offers to share, and in a gesture of friendship invites him to his
military club.
At a Hampshire RAF base, the Duke's granddaughter, Lady Patricia Fairfax, is
a driver. She greets Bruce very formally, but once out of sight they embrace.
Patterson makes friends with the Duke, who invites the Americans to visit
Exmoor Castle, his Devon seat. On their arrival, Bruce is playing tennis with
Patricia (who is his fianceƩ), and they later gather for afternoon tea. Patricia
mentions the local by-election, in which Bruce is standing as the Tory
candidate. After the visit, Patricia and Patterson return to London by train.
With several hours to spare, he takes her to 'Rainbow Corner', in Piccadilly
Circus, where they dance. Patricia makes the last train to Hampshire.
Patricia and Patterson go riding on Exmoor. While she is away, Bruce
addresses a political meeting in the village square. On the eve of polling, the
election is discussed in the local inn and at a formal champagne dinner dance at
Exmoor Castle, where Patricia and Patterson declare their mutual love on the
terrace. Bruce soon realises that he has lost Patricia's affections.
Just before the election result is announced, the Duke (who is also Mayor)
learns that his castle is to be requisitioned by the US army. He then has to
announce a majority of 492 for Labour, ending 300 years of local tradition.
Back in their billet, Patterson learns that he is to go on operations. The
Americans take Mrs Wilson to 'Rainbow Corner' to celebrate her birthday, and she
warms to them. Indeed, she likes Patterson so much that she later offers him
some of her savings
As the Duke prepares for the US army moving in to his castle, Patterson bids
farewell; the Duke gives him his airman son's watch from WWI.
Patricia receives her officer's commission, and at the Savoy she and Bruce
have a farewell dinner. The Duke arrives with Patterson, and leaves the two love
rivals at the table. As Lady Patricia dances with Bruce, Patterson quietly
leaves. Later in the evening, in a noble gesture of self-sacrifice, Bruce places
a phone call to Patterson, then asks Lady Patricia to take the call. She and
Patterson meet up and talk for a final time before his mission.
Returning to England after the mission, Patterson takes over the controls
from the injured co-pilot. As they are South West of Exmoor flying on one
engine, they pull the plane clear of Exmoor Castle and the village before it
crashes. All the airmen are killed. Air control reports a list of the casualties
to Patricia, who is on control room duty, and she is greatly distressed.
When Major Bruce's airborne mission is delayed for 24 hours, he arranges to
meet Patricia for a farewell drink, and they talk of the tragic plane crash.
News of Patterson's death is also received by his mother in Arizona.
In the Exmoor village church, the vicar gives a eulogy for the brave men who gave their lives as the names of the dead flyers are read out.
Bruce flies on his paratroop mission with a Dakota pilot from Buffalo, New