A march in support of the Upper Clyde shipyards. Marchers sing, chant
and, in one case, are led by a piper. Shop Steward Jimmy Reid addresses a mass
open-air meeting. Seagulls wheel over desolate factories.
A worker describes the feeling for the yards and ships, which is installed in
people as they grow up in the area. Views of men working in a ship's hull. He
calls shipbuilding a terrible job in some respects, but believes that it is not
alienating because workers can take collective pride in a ship's launch.
A young apprentice tells his story of being misled by the company into
believing there would be a permanent job for him. Other apprentice boys playing
football. Ministers leaving Downing Street. A worker strongly criticises the
Conservative government's policies.
A demonstration in front of Parliament. Several shop stewards give their
views on the struggle. They confirm that occupying the yards will be a tactic of
the workers. A Clydeside shop owner says that without the yards many local
businesses would collapse. Signs in shop windows supporting the shipyard
The march to Glasgow Green, protesters on the underground. A union meeting,
attended by Shop Steward Jimmy Airlie. Jimmy Reid tells a mass meeting in a yard
that they are in control and that nothing will leave or enter the yard without
their permission. Airlie makes an appeal for support for the shipyards. A
blackboard with the address for donations to the campaign appeal.