A day in the life of a particularly lazy and ineffectual everywoman, which evokes a horrid frisson of recognition. The protagonist, a sort of proto-Bridget Jones character, fantasises and procrastinates her way through what looks like one of a series of wasted days.
We see her attempt feebly to clean up, then 'unwind' with a bottle of wine and the television. Loosened up by alcohol, she plans the wonderful acheivements of the next day, which we see acted out in a very funny animated stream-of-consciousness. The next morning, however, the plans are scrapped in favour of going back to bed.
The voice-over, as in many of Candy Guard's films, is by Sarah Kennedy, herself an animator, and more recently a stand-up comedian.
Candy Guard's humour is self-revealing and merciless. In its dissection of the foibles and self-delusion of women, it is a welcome counterpoint to the anti-male projections of films like I'm Not a Feminist, But (d. Marjut Rimminen 1986).
Ruth Lingford