"Over 70,000 people see the Arsenal beat Southampton by 2 goals to 1 in F.A.
Cup Semi-Final at Stamford Bridge". Southampton team comes out of tunnel,
including captain George Harkus and goalkeeper Tommy Allen. Arsenal team come out and all eleven men are seen in close-up as they pass camera: Dan Lewis, Tom Parker, Horace Cope, Alf Baker, Jack Butler, Bob John, Joey Hulme, Charlie Buchan, Jimmy Brain, Billy Blyth and Syd Hoar. Huge crowd, some with umbrellas. Medium long shot of the toss. Long shot from behind goal [all action takes part in Arsenal half with the camera behind the goal]. Panning
shot. Long shot as Southampton player comes down left wing, crosses. Medium
shot of goalmouth scene. Ball cleared. Long shot of another Southampton attack
down left wing, crosses. Medium shot of goalmouth scene, keeper kicks the ball
clear. Low level medium shot of action in goalmouth. Closer shot of this. Keeper saves header. Shot of crowd.