The comedy character of Pimple, created by brothers Fred and Joe Evans, was a huge success in Britain, appearing in well over 100 films, often spoofing or
satirising contemporary films, plays and events. This example satirises the spy
film, particularly those serials featuring the naval lieutenants Rose and
Daring. While Lt Daring had only plans for a mine field and a new invention
stolen, Lt Rose was more unfortunate, losing a code book, sealed orders, a
battleship, submarine and patent aeroplane. Pimple himself loses not only a
submarine, but also an invention and sealed orders.
The film naturally echoes the films it satirises. The spies are heavily
bearded, and notably spy-like. The Royal Navy (in the guise of the wooden barge,
HMS Invincible) gives chase and fires upon the spies, as in Lt Rose and the
Stolen Code (1911). As in other Pimple films, the comedy is strikingly modern,
reminiscent of Monty Python or Spike Milligan sketches.
Simon Baker