"DEVONSHIRE HOSPITAL BUXTON. Soldiers being treated for Rheumatism, Sciatica, and allied diseases in the new Thermal Baths attached to the Hospital".
Main title. Soldiers in wheelchairs being pushed along a corridor in the
hospital by medical staff. Patients and staff grouped in a room looking to
camera [presumably listening to a talk]. They break into laughter. A
sunken bath with a man lying in it. A male nurse showers the patient with a hot
spray of water while he is in the bath. "Thermal Rooms where they are
being treated with Vapour, Needle and Douche-Spray Baths. A patient, his
lower body covered by a towel, holds on to a rope and is helped and lowered
into a bath. He gets into the water and the male nurse sprays his chest with
water, the water coming from a hose which he has over his shoulder. He turns
the patient over and sprays the back. A patient, wearing trunks, lying in
the bath. Over the full length of the bath is a contraption holding many spray
heads which spray water over the body . A patient wrapped in a towel sitting in a sauna-like box with the sides open; he speaks and smiles. The patient in the box which his now closed; only the patient's head is visible. A
temperature control is on the wall. The patient again smiles.
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