Title: "MR J.W. GLENISTER - DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN PUBLISHER AND ARCH ENEMY OF PROHIBITION CAME TO LONDON IN SEARCH OF 'PUSSYFOOT' JOHNSON". Glenister viewed through bay window having meal with unidentified man; Glenister finishes glass of wine and comes out doors toward camera in affable mood. Title: "But Mr Johnson had gone 'Pussyfooting' to New Zealand". Close up of Johnson poses for camera and smiles. "So Mr Glenister stayed in London to preach with true yankee 'punch' and 'pep' against 'crime-breeding prohibition". Close up of Mr Glenister at bay window 'preaching'. "Fanatics in America are manufacturing Bolshevism, smuggling and druggism wholesale". Mr Glenister preaching as in last shot. "The working man's beer has gone! And they are trying to stop his tobacco!". Glenister preaching. "Nowthey want to kill the movies - and every other joy". Glenister preaching. "The Liberty in England is Lovely!". Waiter comes through bay window and pours another wine into Glenister's glass; smiles and raises glass to camera. "Beware of Pussyfoot! Beware!". Close up of Glenister comically
open-mouthed. "Still Smiling!". Johnson close up laughing for camera.