A whirlwind tour of world architectural history takes the form of a sporting
world cup broadcast live by satellite from London's Wombledon, complete with
breathless commentary and technical problems.
As nations attempt to outplay each other with masterpieces - Italy plays St
Peter's; the UK counters with Richard Rogers' Lloyds building - the works are
illustrated in a variety of styles, which grow increasingly playful. A
multicoloured, kaleidoscoping Eiffel Tower gains points, while the towers of
Moscow's St Basil's launch themselves like spaceships, and Le Corbusier's Villa
Savoye walks on its concrete pillars like a dog.
The competition ends with Italy playing 'Martington Crescent', a reference to
Radio 4's nonsense game 'Mornington Crescent', proving that there really are no
rules when it comes to architecture.
Danny Birchall