Aardman Animations
Production Company
Bamforth and Co.
Acres, Birt (1854-1918)
Pioneer, Cinematographer
Akomfrah, John (1957-)
Director, Writer
Aldrich, Robert (1918-1983)
Director, Producer, Writer
Amber Collective (1969-)
Film collective
Anderson, Lindsay (1923-1994)
Director, Producer, Writer, Critic
Anderson, Michael (1920-)
Director, Producer, Actor
Annakin, Ken (1914-2009)
Director, Writer, Producer
Apted, Michael (1941-)
Director, Producer, Presenter
Arliss, Leslie (1901-1987)
Asquith, Anthony (1902-1968)
Attenborough, Lord Richard (1923-)
Director, Actor, Producer
Baker, Roy Ward (1916-2010)
Barker, Will (1867-1951)
Director, Producer, Cinematographer
Baxter, John (1896-1975)
Bird, Antonia (1959-2013)
Producer, Director
Black Audio Film Collective (1982-98)
Film Collective
Blackton, J. Stuart (1875-1941)
Director, Producer, Animator
Blakeley, John E. (1888-1958)
Bond, Ralph (1904-1989)
Boorman, John (1933-)
Booth, W.R. (1869-1938)
Director, Animator
Boulting, John (1913-1985)
Boulting, Roy (1913-2001)
Box, Muriel (1905-1991)
Boyle, Danny (1956-)
Branagh, Kenneth (1960-)
Actor, Director, Producer
Brook, Peter (1925-)
Broomfield, Nick (1948-)
Brownlow, Kevin (1938-)
Director, Writer, Historian
Brunel, Adrian (1892-1958)
Director, Actor, Writer
Cammell, Donald (1934-1996)
Director, Writer, Editor
Cardiff, Jack (1914-2009)
Director, Cinematographer, Writer
Carstairs, John Paddy (1910-1970)
Cavalcanti, Alberto (1897-1982)
Director, Actor, Sound
Chadha, Gurinder (1960-)
Chaplin, Charles (1889-1977)
Actor, Director, Music
Chelsom, Peter (1956-)
Director, Actor
Clarke, Alan (1935-1990)
Clayton, Jack (1921-1995)
Collings, Esmé (1859-1936)
Cinematographer, Director
Collinson, Peter (1936-1980)
Comerford, Joe (1947-)
Director, Editor, Producer
Comfort, Lance (1908-1966)
Cornelius, Henry (1913-1958)
Coward, Noël (1899-1973)
Playwright, Actor, Director, Composer
Craigie, Jill (1911-1999)
Crichton, Charles (1910-1999)
Director, Producer, Writer, Editor
Cricks, George (1861-1936)
Cutts, Graham (1885-1958)
Director, Producer
Davies, Terence (1945-)
Dean, Basil (1888-1978)
Dearden, Basil (1911-1971)
Dickinson, Thorold (1903-1984)
Dmytryk, Edward (1908-1999)
Donner, Clive (1926-2010)
Director, Producer, Editor
Douglas, Bill (1934-1991)
Dunbar, Geoff (1944-)
Dunning, George (1920-1979)
Dupont, E.A. (1891-1956)
Dwoskin, Stephen (1939-2012)
Director, Actor, Cinematographer
Dyer, Anson (1876-1962)
Director, Writer, Animator
Edwards, Henry (1883-1952)
Elvey, Maurice (1887-1967)
Emlyn, Endaf (1944-)
Director, Writer, Producer, Actor, Musician
Endfield, Cy (1914-95)
Evans, Fred (1889-1951)
Actor, Director
Evans, Joe (1891-1967)
Figgis, Mike (1948-)
Director, Writer, Composer, Actor
Fisher, Terence (1904-1980)
Fitzhamon, Lewin (1869-1961)
Flaherty, Robert (1884-1951)
Forbes, Bryan (1926-2013)
Actor, Director, Writer
Forde, Walter (1898-1984)
Forsyth, Bill (1946-)
Francis, Freddie (1917-2007)
Director, Cinematographer, Producer
Francis, Karl (1942- )
Frears, Stephen (1941-)
Frend, Charles (1909-1977)
Friese-Greene, William (1855-1921)
Gidal, Peter (1946-)
Gilbert, Lewis (1920-)
Gilliam, Terry (1940-)
Director, Writer, Animator, Actor
Gilliat, Sidney (1908-1994)
Godfrey, Bob (1921-2013)
Gold, Jack (1930-)
Green, Guy (1913-2005)
Greenaway, Peter (1942-)
Greene, David (1921-2003)
Director, Writer, Actor
Grierson, John (1898-1972)
Producer, Director, Executive
Grigsby, Michael (1936-)
Guest, Val (1911-2006)
Haggar, William (1851-1925)
Halas, John (1912-1995) and Batchelor, Joy (1914-1991)
Hamer, Robert (1911-63)
Hamilton, Guy (1922-)
Hare, David (1947-)
Writer, Director
Hepworth, Cecil (1874-1953)
Hitchcock, Alfred (1899-1980)
Director, Writer, Art Director, Actor
Hodges, Mike (1932-)
Holt, Seth (1924-1971)
Hudson, Hugh (1936-)
Huston, John (1906-1987)
Hytner, Nicholas (1956-)
Ivory, James (1928-)
Jackson, Pat (1916-2011)
Jarman, Derek (1942-1994)
Director, Writer, Art Designer, Editor, Cinematographer
Jennings, Humphrey (1907-1950)
Joffé, Roland (1945-)
Jones, Terry (1942-)
Actor, Director, Writer, Presenter
Jordan, Neil (1950-)
Julien, Isaac (1960-)
Keiller, Patrick (1950-)
Director, Writer, Cinematographer
Korda, Alexander (1893-1956)
Director, Producer, Executive Producer
Korda, Zoltán (1895-1961)
Kubrick, Stanley (1928-1999)
Director, Producer, Writer, Cinematographer
Kötting, Andrew (1958-)
Director, Writer, Performer
Launder, Frank (1906-1997)
Director, Script, Producer
Le Grice, Malcolm (1940-)
Leacock, Philip (1917-1990)
Lean, David (1908-1991)
Lee Thompson, J. (1914-2002)
Lee, Jack (1913-2002)
Leeds Animation Workshop (1976-)
Leigh, Mike (1943-)
Leland, David (1947-)
Lester, Richard (1932-)
Loach, Ken (1936-)
Losey, Joseph (1909-1984)
Lye, Len (1901-1980)
MacKinnon, Gillies (1948-)
Mackendrick, Alexander (1912-1993)
Mackenzie, John (1932-2011)
Macpherson, Kenneth (1903-1971)
Director, Writer, Producer, Critic
Mander, Kay (1915-)
Director, Producer, Editor, Writer
Massingham, Richard (1898-1953)
Director, Producer, Writer, Actor
McLaren, Norman (1914-1987)
Animator, Director, Writer
Meadows, Shane (1973-)
Menzies, William Cameron (1896-1957)
Designer, Director, Script
Minghella, Anthony (1954-2008)
Writer, Director, Producer
Montagu, Ivor (1904-1984)
Mulvey, Laura (1941-)
Neame, Ronald (1911-2010)
Cinematographer, Director, Writer
Newall, Guy (1885-1937)
O'Sullivan, Thaddeus (1947-)
Director, Cinematographer
Olivier, Laurence (1907-1989)
Actor, Producer, Director
Ové, Horace (1939-)
Parker, Alan (1944-)
Paul, Fred (1880-1967)
Paul, R.W. (1869-1943)
Pearson, George (1875-1973)
Petit, Chris (1949-)
Polanski, Roman (1933-)
Poliakoff, Stephen (1952-)
Potter, Sally (1949-)
Director, Actor, Editor
Powell, Michael (1905-1990)
Prasad, Udayan (1953-)
Pressburger, Emeric (1902-1988)
Quay, Brothers (1947-)
Directors, Writers, Designers, Animators
Ramsay, Lynne (1969-)
Reed, Carol (1906-1976)
Reeves, Michael (1944-1969)
Reisz, Karel (1926-2002)
Richardson, Tony (1928-1991)
Rilla, Wolf (1920-2005)
Ritchie, Guy (1968-)
Robinson, Bruce (1946-)
Roeg, Nicolas (1928-)
Rotha, Paul (1907-1984)
Russell, Ken (1927-2011)
Saville, Victor (1896-1979)
Schlesinger, John (1926-2003)
Scott, Ridley (1937-)
Sewell, Vernon (1903-2001)
Sheridan, Jim (1949-)
Sinyor, Gary (1962-)
Skolimowski, Jerzy (1938-)
Smith, F. Percy (1880-1945)
Director, Producer, Photography
Smith, G.A. (1864-1959)
Stein, Paul (1892-1951)
Studdy, G.E. (1878-1948)
Cartoonist, Animator
Summers, Walter (1896-1973)
Temple, Julien (1953-)
Tennyson, Pen (1912-1941)
Thomas, Gerald (1920-1993)
Thomas, Ralph (1915-2001)
Tourneur, Jacques (1904-1977)
Toye, Wendy (1917-2010)
Urban, Charles (1867-1942)
Producer, Distributor
Varnel, Marcel (1892-1947)
Varnel, Max (1925-1996)
Vas, Robert (1931-1978)
Vorhaus, Bernard (1904-2000)
Wallace, Edgar (1875-1932)
Watt, Harry (1906-1987)
Wilcox, Herbert (1890-1977)
Williams, Richard (1933-)
Williamson, James (1855-1933)
Winner, Michael (1935-2012)
Winterbottom, Michael (1961-)
Wollen, Peter (1938-)
Wright, Basil (1907-1987)
Producer, Director, Writer
Yates, Peter (1928-2011)
Young, Terence (1915-1994)