The son of an immigrant Polish tailor, former disc jockey, strip-club manager and film distributor Michael Klinger entered films as co-producer, with Tony Tenser, of such exploitation films as Naked As Nature Intended (d. George Harrison Marks, 1961). Aspiring higher than this, and having earned enough to do so, he became involved with Roman Polanski's Repulsion (1965) and Cul-de-Sac (1966), and produced two films for Mike Hodges, Get Carter (1971) and Pulp (1972). In the 1970s, he interspersed his more upmarket ventures with several entries in the 'Confessions of...' series (1974-78), and the failure of his last film, Riding High (d. Ross Cramer, 1980) apparently ruined him. Brian McFarlane, Encyclopedia of British Film