Cast |
Mark Antony | STEPHENS, Robert |
Brutus | FINLAY, Frank |
Julius Caesar | DENHAM, Maurice |
Cassius | WOODWARD, Edward |
Casca, a conspirator | BATE, Anthony |
Decius Brutus, a conspirator | ROWE, Alan |
Cinna, a conspirator | MASON, Raymond |
Metellus Cimber, a conspirator | ROLLASON, Jon |
Trebonius, a conspirator | KELLAND, John |
Caius Ligarius, a conspirator | BURRELL, Richard |
Octavius Caesar, a triumvir | ALDERTON, John |
M. Amellius Lepidus, a triumvir | JAMES, Geoffrey |
Flavius, a tribune | RIX, Colin |
Marullus, a tribune | ABINERI, John |
Cicero, a senator | D'ALBIE, Julian |
Publius, a senator | STEELE, Christopher |
Popilius Lena, a senator | DE MARNEY, Terence |
Portia | CASTLE, Ann |
Calpurnia | CHERRELL, Gwen |
a soothsayer | SCOTT, Jonathan |
Lucius | GUARD, Christopher |
Cicero the poet | TIMOTHY, Christopher |
Artemidorus | MARTIN, Trevor |
a carpenter | VAUGHAN, Brian |
a cobbler | BENJAMIN, Christopher |
servant to Antony | COE, Richard |
servant to Octavius | MITCHELL, Mellan |
Lucilius, officer to Brutus | LEYSHON, Emrys |
young Cato, officer to Brutus | DENHAM, Christopher |
Clitus, officer to Brutus | GORDON, Graham |
Dardanius, officer to Brutus | SADGROVE, David |
Varro, officer to Brutus | SHEPPARD, Stephen |
Claudius, officer to Brutus | SIMMONDS, Nikolas |
Messala, officer to Brutus | WRIGHT, Tony |
Titinius, officer to Brutus | MOORE, John |
Pindarus, officer to Brutus | JESSON, Peter |
Strato, a soldier | WILSON, Stuart |
slaves, citizens and soldiers | BARLOW, Kay |
| BOULTON, Hermione |
| COURAGE, Carolyn |
| DAVIES, Margaret |
| DENTON, Pamela |
| JEANS, Edwina |
| WALKER, Lindsay |
| ADAMS, Dolman |
| JOHNS, Andrew |
| BOULD, Bruce |
| LAWSON, Leigh |
| MEADES, Jonathan |
| PRESTON, Duncan |
| SAKS, Hessel |
| STRAULI, Christopher |
Credits |