Part 1: 'Taoism', originally transmitted on Channel 4, 11/2/2002
Two young unemployed Chinese men discuss their situation in the comfort of their living room, in front of their destiny-altering goldfish, Tao. They decide that whichever way Tao swims will determine who gets up to make the tea. This initiates an enlightened conversation about a strategy for their forthcoming Jobseekers Restart interview.
Following Taoist principles, and especially Yin and Yang opposites, they decide to argue that on religious grounds they should be exempt from work. According to their Taoist beliefs, there must be lazy people to balance out the hardworking people, and they fall into the former category.
The conversation becomes more heated as they come up with more reasons supporting their arguments, including non-action as a valid way of achieving passive power and harmony in a over-crowded world.
Tao, the fish, swims towards the right; the man sitting on that side agrees to make the tea.