Main Attraction
Feedback from the starter, making a list of the key thoughts/emotions experiences by the two key characters (Wentworth and Anne). Make two lists of these thoughts/emotions, one for each character. Ask the extension group to comment on what difference the minor characters would make to the portrayal of these key thoughts/emotions by Wentworth and Anne.
Ask the students to pay close attention to their lists as they watch the extract. Students should tick off the thoughts/emotions they noticed in the text when they notice them in the film extract. The students could also take one character each, and the group could again be divided in two, perhaps this time so that each group focussed on the character they did not work on in the starter, so that the students gain a more balanced view of both key characters.
The students feedback to one another about what the director chose to make obvious to the viewer in this extract. The students then discuss how the director managed to portray emotions which were meant to be secret, and what use was made of film effects to make the scene more vivid for the viewer (e.g. voice over, close-up etc).