Main Attraction
Students are asked to feedback from their starter, and a class list is compiled of the various key points this extract should bring to light. The students are then asked to consider the two film extracts, and the question 'How faithful are the two adaptations to the original text?'
Students are then asked to refer to the class list that they have made together and to record notes of evidence from the two versions that the director was trying to get across any of these key points. This could be done in groups, with one group looking for evidence of a particular thing, so that all the class will eventually have fed back a variety of information about the two extracts, and will have full annotations of the various key points. Students should feed back their findings after watching the two extracts, while the rest of the class take notes on this.
Extension: brighter students should consider how the key points identified in the starter are prioritised by the director, and look for evidence that the director wishes to convey one point more strongly than another.